Judson Music Camp

Fox Valley Music Camp at Judson University

The Fox Valley Music Camp at Judson University is a great place for budding musicians to learn about music basics and for more advanced musicians to hone their skills.  Camp week is June 23-27, 2014. They offer a Half Day camp (9 am-noon) for K-2nd graders and a Full Day camp (9 am – 4 pm) for 3rd-12th grade campers.  Visit www.judsonu.edu/FVMC for more information and an on-line registration form – but hurry, the Early Bird discount ends May 23rd and Registration closes June 13th.

Where: Judson University
1151 N. State Street
Elgin, IL

Email: cheryl.richardson@judsonu.edu

Website: www.judsonu.edu/FVMC

Phone: 847.628.1110

West Suburban Home School Band

2014 Spring Open House and More

The West Suburban Home School Band will be holding an Open House during regular rehearsal times on Thursday, April 3, 2014.

All interested home schoolers are invited to come and watch any rehearsal in Cornelius Hall at Resurrection Church at the NW corner of Army Trail and 59 in Wayne.

Rehearsal times for the four different band levels are:

5:15-6pm Cadets (beginners),

6-7pm Concert Junior,

7-8pm Concert Senior,

8-9pm Symphonic.

Feel free to come any time and stay as long as you like. Free gifts for all who visit!

For more information or questions, please contact the director, Karen Borow, through the website www.wshsb.org.

Mark your calendar for the following performances–

The WSHSB’s 13th Annual Spring Concert at 7 pm, Friday, May 16, 2014, at Edman Memorial Chapel, on the campus of Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL. This concert is NOT a function of Wheaton College.Map and directions are on www.wshsb.org.

Thursday, June 5, the WSHSB will play from 12 to 12:30, just prior to the keynote speaker at the ICHE Convention.

Southwest Suburban Children’s Choir

A new choir forming and registration is open for just another week.

What: Southwest Suburban Children’s Choir

When: Thursdays from 4-5 PM

Where: Hinsdale South High School in Darien

Website: http://www.swschoir.org/SWCChoir/Welcome.html

Health and food festival in Chicago, free

Join OV in Chicago for Food, Fun, Ideas, and Music!

Cultivate Festival

Join Organic Valley this Saturday, September 15th in Lincoln Park for the Chipotle Cultivate Festival—a free all-day celebration bringing together food, farmers, chefs, artisans, thought leaders, and musicians.

Stop by our booth in the Kids’ Area to play games and get coupons and giveaways, plus free Stringles™ and Single Serve Milks for your kids!

See you there—and thanks for being a friend to organic family farmers!Organically yours,
The Farmers and Staff of Organic Valley

West Suburban Home School Band

From: The Patriots

West Suburban Home School Band

Summer is the best time (albeit not the only time) to think about
joining the award winning West Suburban Home School Band. We always need
new students to learn and develop, replacing those who graduate or move

Membership has grown from 46 students/26 families in 2001, to 160+
students/100+ families in 2011-2012. Students are home schoolers,
elementary through high school age. There are four band levels to
accommodate those with NO MUSICAL TRAINING whatsoever to those with
advanced experience and abilities. We also accept both experienced and
beginner parents. Auditions are required for all levels but Cadets.

Those who wish to audition for Concert Junior, Concert Senior or
Symphonic level as part of the WSHSB Annual Summer Chair Competition
must submit an audition video by August 9, 2012. AUDITIONING FOR A
also be limits in instrument sections within each band level. The
Concert Season roster is set by the end of August. However, once the
audition video deadline has past you are still able to join by
submitting an audition video with the following understanding. You will
be placed in the band where we feel you fit best and you will be at the
end of the roster for your instrument. THOSE WHO DO NOT SUBMIT AN
MEMBER OF THE BAND. Supplemental Senior and Symphonic audition materials
were released on July 11, 2012. However, it is still not too late to act
to give those who will need to audition, time to prepare.

AS SOON AS you consider joining contact the director, Karen Borow,
630-231-6155, and visit our website, www.wshsb.com
<http://www.wshsb.com/> .

Music Camp at Judson

The Fox Valley Music Camp at Judson University in Elgin, IL is for grades K-12 and will be held June 25 – June 29, 2012. This is a week long day camp with optional overnight camp for high school students. Ensembles, music composition, lessons, mini-concerts, end-of-week camper showcase. Classical and Contemporary Tracks available for older students.

Location: Thompson Center

Address: 1151 N. State Street
Elgin, IL 60123

Email Address: www.FVMC@judsonu.edu

Website: www.judsonu.edu/jcms

Primary Contact: Cheryl Richardson 847-628-5039

Primary Contact Email: cheryl.richardson@judsonu.edu

Secondary Contact : Robert Kania 847-628-1115

Secondary Contact Email: rkania@judsonu.edu

Homeschool class in Lake County

Homeschool Companion—Chicago Blues

Join other homeschoolers to take a closer look at the temporary exhibit “The Blues: From the Heart and Soul” and learn about Chicago Blues music through hands-on activities.

Price includes Museum admission for a participant child. No program charge for chaperones.

24-hour hotline for directions and program updates: 847-968-3113

Instructor: Nicole Stocker

When: Wednesday April 18, 2012
10:00AM – 12:00PM
Where: Lake County Discovery Museum (Wauconda)
Ages: 5 – 12
** Adult Supervision Required for this Program **
$3.00 per child (Lake County Residents)

$5.00 per child (Non-Residents)
Regular Registration Deadline: April 17, 2012
Registration Options: Register online, by telephone at 847-968-3321 or by mail or fax using this form

Upcoming opportunities at Judson

2012 Opportunities for Homeschoolers at Judson University
Prep Program:  High School students ages 16 and up can earn both high school and college credit simultaneously. Judson deeply discounts their regular tuition fee for Prep students, so it’s a great deal. Contact Jaimee Bartha at Jbartha@judsonu.edu for more details.
Music Lessons:  The Judson Community Music School is currently enrolling students of all ages for next semester which starts January 14, 2012.  Lessons in most instruments and voice are available, from beginner to advanced.  Visit www.judsonu.edu/JCMS and click on “Music School” for more information.
Music Camp: The Fox Valley Music Camp at Judson University will take place June 25-June 29th, 2012 for students K-12th grade. Lots of music making fun! Visit www.judsonu.edu/JCMS and click on “Music Camp” for more information.
Family ConcertThe “Magic of Music” Benefit Concert and Magic Show will be held on Saturday, February 11th, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in Herrick Chapel. This magical family event will feature the “Amazing Carringtons” – musician-magicians (aka ESO musicians Michael and Daniela Folker), as well as Judson music faculty.  The concert is free for students and children under 18.  Bring your kids for a fun and educational time!  Visit www.judsonu.edu/JCMS and click on “Magic of Music” for more information.
Band and Orchestra:  These ensembles are open to high school age students through adult musicians at no charge.  The Orchestra meets from 7:30-9:30 pm on Monday evenings, and the Band meets at the same time on Thursday evenings. Contact Chip Gross at cgross@judsonu.edu for more information

Fox Valley area Homeschool Choir

This past Fall, 20 students participated in the kick-off semester of the Fox Valley Homeschool Choir under the direction of Marketo Griffin and Hannah Gerrity.  There were Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses all lifting their voices in praise to the Lord culminating in a wonderful Christmas Concert!

The second semester of the Fox Valley Homeschool Choir will begin Jan 23rd (Jan 16th for new members) with a Spring Concert scheduled for late April.


New Member Start Date: Monday, January 16, 2012

Rehearsal Dates: Mondays, January 23, 2012 – April 23, 2012 (No rehearsal on 2/20, 3/26, 4/9).

Time: 3:00-4:15pm

Place: Union Congregational Church Sanctuary

405 West State Street, North Aurora, IL


Student Ages: Ages 14-18 may join without audition **

Ages 12-13 must audition to join **

Cost: $75 for 1st child, $35 for 2nd child, $20 for 3rd child (and beyond)J

Registration: Now through January 30, 2012

To register please email the Director, Marketo Griffin @ lessons@marketochristine.com

** Marketo will listen to all new students privately for part assignments (SATB)

About the Director:

Marketo heard the Lord’s call into music and ministry over five years ago while working as a civilian air traffic controller on a remote airfield in the Kuwait desert! She entered Wheaton College just over a year later and recently finished her studies with a Bachelor Degree of Music in Voice Performance.  At Wheaton College, she served as Honors Conductor of the Wheaton College Concert Choir, Director of the Wheaton College WOW Worship Team, and Honors Conductor of the Wheaton College Women’s Chorale.   Marketo is currently serving as the A Cappella Ensemble Director at DuPage AME Church and as the Coordinator of Contemporary Worship at First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton.

About the Assistant Director/Accompanist:

Hannah Gerrity will be serving as the Assistant Director and the Accompanist.  She graduated from Wheaton College in May with a BS in Voice Performance.  While she was a student at Wheaton College, she served as Honors Conductor and President of the Wheaton College Concert Choir. She is also a very gifted pianist and accompanist.  Hannah is passionate about choral singing, homeschooling and loving Jesus with all her heart!

Piano Instruction

Piano Keys and golden Notes Royalty Free Stock Vector Art Illustration

Piano Instruction for $15 per Half Hour Lesson –

Stephanie Dean has 24 years of instruction and teaching experience
with a BA in Elementary Education and a MA in Teaching and Leadership.

She was also a 2004 nominee for Kane County Teacher of the Year.

Stephanie Dean’s Piano Instruction
219 Rainmaker Run
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156

For more information contact:

Phone: 847-854-4185

Email: sbdean1@gmail.com