IEW webinar

The more I use IEW the more I absolutely love it.

As part of a yahoo group related to Institute for Excellence in Writing I received this notice:

Tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7pm Central, I’ll be a guest of Mark Hamby
<> , doing a webinar
entitled “Stories and the Moral Imagination.” It’s free and open to anyone.

I love Mark and know we’ll have a great discussion. Join us!

Register here:

Andrew Pudewa
Institute for Excellence in Writing
8799 N 387 Rd., Locust Grove, OK 74352
Tel. 800-856-5815 ext. 5001
Fax. 603-925-5123

Institute for Excellence in Writing looking for some summer interns

Just typing the title, now I see why they go by IEW. 🙂

Here is an announcement from IEW for any interested college aged students out there:

Hello IEW Families,

I’m so excited to announce our first ever Freedomship Summer Intern Opportunity with the Institute for Excellence in Writing!

Tired of the same old summer job? Looking for a chance to apply your skills to meaningful projects? Want to spruce up your resume with significant work experience?

The Institute for Excellence in Writing is looking for TWO enthusiastic college-age students (18-25 years) who are willing to dedicate themselves and their summer to personal and professional growth while assisting in the advancement of new IEW products and projects.

Dates: June 5-July 30
6 week minimum commitment, dates are somewhat flexible
Location: Locust Grove, OK
Housing, meals, and stipend provided

Applications due on May 13, 2011, but earlier submissions are gratefully accepted.

Please see our website for more information and application:


Julie Walker
Marketing Director, Institute for Excellence in Writing

Find us on:

Institute for Excellence in Writing

If you already use the Institute for Excellence in Writing, are interested in learning more about this much sought after writing curriculum, or if you just want some general help in teaching writing to your children, there are a couple Webinars coming up that you might be interested in.

IEW has announced that they will host webinars twice each month on the 1st and 3rd Monday. You must register for these in order to participate, but they are free to registered participants.

The rest of the details came straight from IEW:

Monthly Webinars on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30-8:30 PM CST:

  • Monday, March 1: Assessing Student Writing for Experienced IEW Families
    Click here to register.
    Join Andrew Pudewa as he shares some salient points on this important topic and answers your questions on writing, thinking, and speaking.
  • Monday, March 15: Experience Excellence in Writing
    (Registration will open soon)
    Join Laura House as she shares on the value of incorporating IEW methods and materials into your home school