Israel Wayne coming to Sugar Grove

Thursday, March 7, 2013 — Israel Wayne, Guest Speaker

What: “Revival in the Home”
When: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Details: Families in America are under attack. Teenage rebellion, divorce, juvenile delinquency, emotional disorders, and relational dysfunction are way too common, even among church goers.

How can you have a Godly family in the midst of such a worldly culture? Israel will provide practical and Biblical answers. Learn how you can effectively disciple your children to know, love and serve God.

Israel Wayne is a popular keynote speaker, author, and director at Wisdom’s Gate Publishing.

All are welcome! (Childcare available for children under 5 years of age. Children are welcome to sit quietly during presentation.)
Where: Village Bible Church
847 Illinois 47, Sugar Grove, IL
(just north of Bliss Rd)

Homeschool support group meeting in Elk Grove

Received this via email:

Join Beacon on Tuesday, September 27, 7pm-9pm

We will be joined this evening by Israel Wayne. Israel is a homeschool graduate and father of six who is leading his generation in defending the Christian faith and developing a Biblical worldview. He is a popular conference speaker who desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. His topic will be Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview. Join us and invite your spouse and friends!!

Admission is free.  Children are welcome if they sit quietly by their parents.

Beacon is a Christian support group for parents who home educate their children. Our membership is open to any home schooling family for support. Our vision is to help homeschool families achieve their vision. What we offer is a DREAM – Discussion, Resources, Education, Activities, Mentoring. We meet on the 4th Tuesday evening of every month August thru May (except December).

Find us at the Elk Grove Village Public Library at 7pm.