Activities just for Homeschoolers in Glenview

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Introducing…. Home School Week at The Grove!
For the first time ever…
The Grove is dedicating one week exclusively for Homeschoolers to experience our hands-on programs!
Historical and Environmental Educational programs are available for homeschoolers from grades K-8.
For more information or to register for a program, please contact Kris (224) 521-2101 or Judy (224)521-2105 by February 20, 2013. Late registrants may be accepted based on availability. Please note that payment in full is required at time of registration (children 4 and under are free).
For a full description of our programs and to see a video of our field trips, please  click here.
The Grove is located at 1421 Milwaukee Avenue in Glenview, IL 60025
Grove logo w acorn
Monday, March 4, 2013
Pioneer Skills:
Think your chores are tough today? Learn what life was like for pioneer children-from candle making to weaving, students will experience what it took to be a pioneer firsthand! This program ends with a delicious lunch prepared by students featuring: tomato based beef stew, cornbread with freshly churned butter, applesauce and snickerdoodles for dessert!
Who: Grades 4-8

When: 9:30am-12:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $13.50 adult + child (lunch included), each additional child $6.75

Max/Min: 30/15

Log Cabin:

Do you think it’s possible for a family of six to live together in one or two rooms? Students will discover what life was like living in a 1850s log cabin, and what children were expected to do-from tin punch to drawing water from a well-these hands on experiences will make students appreciate the difference between pioneer life and the modern world! A pioneer lunch is included in the program-see above description for menu.

Who: Grades K-3

When: 9:30am-12:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $13.50 adult + child (lunch included), each additional child $6.75

Max/Min: 30/15

Pack Your Wagon:

Imagine having to load up your car-for a trip from the east coast to the west coast. Would you be able to pack enough food/clothing/soap to last for weeks at a time? Work together to determine what’s important enough to bring along and what can be left behind and pack The Grove’s wagon to ready for a trip westward!

Who: Grades 1-8

When: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie

2400 Compass Road, Glenview, IL. 60025

Parking is available along Compass Road and along Lehigh.

Mighty Wind:
Harness the power of the wind in this fact filled program in which students will work in groups to build a kite! Learn about some of the alternative forms of energy being produced at the Tyner Center.
Who: Grades 1-8
When: 9:30am-11:30am
Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Recycling 101:

Do you know how long it takes a shoe to decompose in a landfill? Learn all about the 3 R’s and how making small changes can make a huge impact on the Earth!
Who: Grades 1-8
When: 12:30pm-2:30pm
Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Travel back in time and learn what school was like in the 1850s at The Grove. Experience a typical school day in our reproduction Schoolhouse, where a schoolmarm or school master will lead students through lessons in history, math, spelling and geography using slate boards and quill pens.

Who: Grades 1-8, Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional  child $4 (within same family)

When: 9:30am-11:30am

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Max/Min: 30/15

Native North Americans:
Learn all about the Potawatomi Indians’ culture and heritage, and the historical ties between this native group and the settlers around The Grove. Learn about the traditions of the Potawatomi and how they impacted the land, and try your hand at using some of their tools and playing some of their games.

Who: Grades 1-8,Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)


Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Max/Min: 30/15

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seasonal Changes:

Walk along our trails with one of our trained interpreters as they explain the significance of the changing seasons and what signs to look for along the trails. Meet some of the native animals that reside at The Grove and some of the natural artifacts in the Interpretive Center.

Who: Grades K-3

When: 9:30am-11:30am

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Dynamic Earth:

Ever seen a glacial erratic up close? Discover all the forces that have shaped the Earth through time, as well as learning how to look for evidence of glaciers.

Who: Grades 4-8

When: 9:30am-11:30am

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Habitats and Lifecycles:

Dig into the soil and discover what’s in the ground! Learn all about the lifecycles of different animals and the types of habitats that can be found at The Grove.

Who: Grades 1-3

When: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15


Dissect an owl pellet as part of your investigation into the crime that was committed at The Grove. To solve the case, students learn about predator/prey relationships and use this understanding to eliminate suspects to come to a logical conclusion.

Who: Grades 4-8

When: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $10.50 adult + child, each additional child $4 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15

Friday, March 9, 2013


Letterboxing is a fun way to go on a hike and explore new places at the same time. Each participant will receive a journal and learn its use, and how & where to find the Letterboxes.   Participants will hit the trails in search of The Grove’s Letterboxes.

Who: Grades 1-4

When: 9:30am-11:30am

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $14.50 adult + child, each additional child $5 (within same family)

Max/Min: 30/15


Participants will learn how to work with the forge, anvil and hammers that a Blacksmith uses to make useful household items. Everyone will take a finished project home.

Who: Grades 5-8

When: 9:30am-11:30am

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building

Fee: $14.50 adult + child, each additional child $5 (within same family)

Max/Min: 10/5

Grove Adventures:

Take a hike in the woods to find animal homes and their footprints. Then gather around the camp fire to roast marshmallows, make s’mores and sing songs. Dress for the weather. Program may be modified due to inclement weather.

Who: Grades K-8

When: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Where: The Grove, 1421 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. Please park in the West Lot, staff will direct you to the correct building.

Fee: $14.50 adult + child, each additional child $5 (within same family)

Max/Min: 40/15

Maple Syrup

No matter what corner of the Chicago area you find yourself in, you will likely be able to check out a maple syrup festival somewhere during this month.

Here are a few of the festivals that I am aware of. Feel free to add any others in the comments. These are generally very educational events that the whole family can enjoy.

North Park Village Nature Center

5801 N. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL , 60646
(312) 744-5472

Bring the family to experience the entire maple syrup making process, from tapping the tree and collecting sap to boiling it down to syrup. Stroll the sugar bush, enjoy storytelling and live music, make a craft, and taste homemade syrup.

Fees: Free

Age Range: All Ages

See the entire maple syrup-making process from tapping the tree and collecting the sap, to boiling it down into syrup.  Take a walk through the sugar bush, enjoy storytelling, make a maple craft, warm yourself by the fire, and taste real maple syrup fresh off the fire.   The Maple Syrup Festival is a sweet and warm tradition that is free and fun for all ages. No registration required.

Pioneer Fest and Pancake

Breakfast! Enjoy pancakes, sausage, and 100% pure maple
syrup! Come for the maple syrup making
demonstrations and try your hand at pioneer chores
while stepping back into time with our pioneer reenactors.
Age: All
Pilcher Park Nature Center
Sat/Sun 3/24-3/25 8 am-12 pm
$9 Adults/$7 Children under 12 (my understanding is that the fee is only if you are eating, but call to confirm this)

Phone: 815-741-PARK (7275)

Sap Collectors

Fullersburg Woods, Dupage County

Mar. 9, 2012

Hike to the sugarbush to collect sap from sugar maple trees. Ages 6 and up; under 14 with an adult. $3 per person. To register, call (630) 850­-8110.

  • Mar 2, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. at Fullersburg Woods
  • Mar 9, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. at Fullersburg Woods
  • Mar 16, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. at Fullersburg Woods

Maple Sugaring Days

Naper Settlement

Saturday and Sunday, March 10 & 11, 2012
Maple Sugaring Days

The history of maple sugaring
Maple sugaring was an integral part of American life in the 1800s and was the foremost sweetener until the end of the Civil War. A community social event celebrating the arrival of spring, the difficult work involving in collecting and processing the sap required many hands. This festive gathering was a welcome diversion following a long winter. Until the end of the Civil War, maple products were the most important food sweeteners in the United States because they were far less expensive and more available than cane sugar.

Saturday 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Sunday 1:00-4:00 pm

Ticket Information:
$9 adults
$8 seniors (62+)
$6.50 youth (4-17)
Naperville Heritage Society members and Season Pass Holders receive free admission.

And,  the one at Kline Creek Farm already passed, but here is a YouTube video that they took to show the tree tapping. I’m sure the drill is authentic 1840s 😉

And here are a couple more places to find lists of maple sugaring events in Illinois and surrounding states: