Earlier this school year I instituted a new reward system in our homeschool that I thought might encourage others as well. As a result we have enjoyed some smooth, productive weeks academically speaking. We have still enjoyed our share of bumps in the road and attitudes here and then, but I just need to rave a bit about our new found secret for these smooth, easy days.
Bribery definitely works.
According to this “experiment,” we often offer a weekly reward for all students completing their school work by a certain time on Friday, and then we can finish our school week with something fun. I have even increased the number of subjects that we cover on a more regular basis because their motivation keeps them trucking along so they can finish the school week a little early.
One afternoon we headed to the local Best Buy. My son requested this to play the video games there. The girls were not quite on board with that idea, but ended up making the most of it. Then we swung by McDonald’s for sundaes for a double reward.
This addition to our homeschool plan has helped to keep our gears in forward motion each day and create a more positive atmosphere. We constantly encourage each other to get a little more done, and use our time a little more efficiently to continually work closer to the goal. Some days still accomplish more than others, but overall we have gotten far more done each week than we did a while back, with much better attitudes to boot!
We have only scratched the surface of reward ideas . . . ice cream, popcorn balls, snow cones, picnics, donuts, the dollar store, video game time, play dates. Half the fun is choosing the reward at the beginning of the week.
They continue to plot for the weeks ahead, and this has definitely worked for us, and kept boredom at bay any season of the year.