Homeschool classes at the Centre in ELgin

Coming this fall the Elgin Park District offers homeschoolers its regular gym and swim classes as well as a new ceramics class.

The following information taken from the Elgin Park District Brochure:

Home School Gym & Swim

Hey Home Schoolers – we have the perfect way to add physical fitness and socialization time to your curriculum. Our Gym and Swim program features a one-hour swim lesson and one-hour physical education class each week. A variety of sports and cooperative games will be played in our gym time and children will have some free time in our Adventure Island aquatic center at the end of their swim lesson. BL

Length: 10 Weeks
Resident Fee: $54
Non-Res Fee: $64
Min/Max: 28/60
Instructor: Staff Member
: $50
Location: The Centre, Fieldhouse Court #1

Course #         Date Day                            Time                                           Age
4475                   9/15-11/17                    Tue 1:00-3:00 pm             5-15 Yrs
4476                  9/16-11/18                      Wed 1:00-3:00 pm           5-15 Yrs
4477                 9/17-11/19                      Thu 1:00-3:00 pm             5-15 Yrs

Home School Youth Ceramics

Home School Children can add art to their daily curriculm by taking a ceramics class. This 1 ½ hr. class will have children learning to use coils, slabs and pinch pots to build pottery and sculptures in this guided step-by-step handbuilding class. All projects will be glazed and kiln fired. Since clay can be messy please dress appropriately. JM

Age: 6-15 yrs.
Instructor: Nancey Buechner
Resident Fee: $52
Non-Res Fee
: $57
Length: 1.5hrs/wk/5wks
Min/Max: 8/12
Location: The Centre, Ceramics Studio

Course #         Date Day                         Time
4700         11/12 – 12/17 Thur           1:00 – 2:30 pm

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