I wanted to let you all know about a special on a great homeschool magazine going on just this weekend. The Old Schoolhouse is a quarterly publication with over 200 pages in each issue. I have appreciated the many articles on homeschool organization, maintaining your focus, and special tips to add some fun to your day. Once or twice a year they have a great sale going on the magazine, and one of those times is this weekend.
If you missed attending a homeschool convention this year, or find yourself needing a little encouragement as we head into a new school year, you will enjoy the free gift that comes with a 2 year subscription — Schoolhouse Expo to Go. Read about the deal, and check out the link below:
TOS Magazine has a VERY exciting special happening from now until August 1, only. Normally our two-year subscriptions are $39, but right now they are $17.95 AND anyone who subscribes for those two years will receive for FREE our Schoolhouse Expo to Go which is hours and hours of our recent (Spring) online convention recordings. Speakers like Susan Wise Bauer, Diana Waring, Todd Wilson, Mark Hamby, Deborah Wuehler, Andrew Pudewa, Carol Barnier, Amanda Bennett, and more are all YOURS, free with a two year subscription. Here is the link to check out and share: http://tinyurl.com/2d9y755
If you already subscribe you can add on during this deal to get another 2 years and the free Expo.
Hope you find this helpful!