Top 100 sites selected by users

The following came in an email from They have compiled lots of popular and helpful links for homeschoolers and the cream of the crop come in their top 100 of the year:

Every year, compiles a list of some of our favorite educational websites for you to enjoy in a convenient list you can keep handy. You can even share this list with your friends, family and support group. We asked our 8,500 Product Testers to send us a list of their favorite educational websites that they use most often. We had so many suggestions pour in that we’ve included over 100 sites this year. Many sites that made it on last year’s list are mentioned again this year. The top five sites for 2010 include:

The Top Sites

Note: Normally we would not include commercial sites on this list. However, so many people nominated a number of commercial websites, it seemed unfair to leave them off the list and they have been included.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and peruse through the list at your leisure. Click on a site and explore it for awhile, then come back to view even more great sites. A few new aspects of our list include the category of Music, as well as a variety of relevant and fun math and science sites.

For the other 95 sites, check out their article on the top 100 sites.

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