Swimming classes

Elgin and Elk Grove have homeschool swim and/or gym classes. Other park districts offer theses as well, or are willing to if you just ask and have a small group ready to enroll.

Many of the classes I come across started because a homeschooler asked or initiated it. It is amazing what people are willing to arrange for you if you just ask, so grab a couple other homeschool families and explore your options!

Elk Grove:
Home school swim lessons are starting up again at the Elk Grove Park District in September!

The fall session will be 8 weeks, beginning the week of 9/14 and ending the week of 11/2.
The cost is $58 per student (which is a great deal at only $7.25 per class).
New this session will be an open swim in the Lagoon for all the kids enrolled in the lessons.
This open swim time is included in the cost.
That means you are getting a 40 minute lesson AND 30 minutes of open swim. Not to mention a great opportunity to make new friends and meet up with old ones. (Thank you Deb D’Onofrio ).

Here’s how it looks:
12:30 – 1:10 Lesson A: #71935
*1:15 – 1:45 Open swim for those enrolled in lessons A & B
1:50 – 2:30 Lesson B: #71936

1:00 – 1:40 Lesson C: #71937
*1:40 – 2:10 Open swim for those enrolled in lesson C

Register online @ www.elkgroveparks.org
Or call 847/593-6248 –pool office
Or the Pavilion Front Desk 847/437-9494

*You don’t need to register for the open swim since it is included in your lesson cost.
Please note that we do need a minimum of 10 students per lesson and a minimum of 4 students per swim level (maximum is 6 students per level/teacher). Classes and/or levels may be canceled or combined due to low enrollment.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Deb D’Onofrio at 847/690-1406.


Hey Home Schoolers—we have the perfect way to add physical
fitness and socialization time to your curriculum. Our Gym & Swim
program features a one-hour swim lesson and one-hour physical
education class each week. A variety of sports and cooperative
games will be played in our gym time. Meet in the gym on first day!!
Fee: $54R/ $64NR
Time: 1:00—3:00pm

9/14-11/16 Tues

9/15-11/17 Wed

9/16-11/18 Thu

This program is for youth ages 5-15 years

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