New listing in Classes

The tabs at the top of this website are updated periodically as we receive new information and revised information. The following listing was just added to the other music class opportunities listed under the “Classes” heading:

School of Rock
Evanston, IL, and Highwood, IL

Evanston School of Rock
1311 Sherman Place
Evanston, IL 60201
847-864-ROCK (7625)

Highwood School of Rock
43 Highwood Ave
Highwood, IL 60040
847-433-ROCK (7625)

The School of Rock is a performance based music education school.  Their students get a great, relevant and fun education through weekly private lessons and group rehearsals.  Rockers not only learn how to play and perform music, they also boost self confidence and self esteem, as well as make new friends through this process.  Their students work hard and put on amazing rock shows that are so good, you are likely to forget the performers on stage are kids, except it’s your kid up there!

Check them out. And, if you know of any other opportunities for homeschoolers in the Chicagoland area, feel free to drop us an email or comment so we can pass it along.

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